
The 15th Mediterranean Chemical Engineering Congress will focus on the 2030 Agenda

The fifteenth edition of the Mediterranean Congress of Chemical Engineering, which will take place from May 30 to June 2 in the framework of Expoquimia, the International Meeting of Chemistry of Fira de Barcelona, will showcase the solutions developed by chemical engineers from around the world in order to accomplish the objectives of the 2030 Agenda of the United Nations.


Under the slogan ‘Chemical Engineering, leading solutions for the planet’, the congress sessions will be articulated around five themes: circularity, decarbonization, new materials and critical raw materials, functional surfaces and digital disruption. The experts taking part in the conferences will share insights on the latest solutions that chemical engineering is proposing from fields such as process separation, applied biotechnology or process systems, among others, to respond to the global challenges facing society.

In this sense, the congress, which will be held again in person after the online edition of 2020, has as an added value the fact of bringing together science and industry, helping achieve greater advances for society.

Chaired by Dr. Rosa Nomen, the congress has already confirmed the participation of five internationally renowned speakers as Dr. Elazer Edelman, director of the MIT Institute for Medical Engineering and Science and cardiologist at BWH Hospital in Boston; Javier García, director of the Molecular Nanotechnology Laboratory at the University of Alicante and president of the International Union of Pure and Applied Chemistry (IUPAC); Alec Groysman, honorary president of the Israeli Association of Chemical Engineers; Ángel Irabien, professor of Chemical Engineering at the University of Cantabria and former director general of Universities of Cantabria; and Lourdes F. Vega, founder and director of the CO2 and Hydrogen Research Center at Khalifa University in Abu Dhabi.

The sessions will present the latest innovations and advances in various fields of chemical engineering such as separation technologies, chemical reactors, process systems engineering, as well as their application in areas such as sustainable development and environmental engineering, biochemical and food engineering, and process and product engineering.

The 15th Mediterranean Congress of Chemical Engineering will be one of the main attractions of the next edition of Expoquimia, the chemical sector’s benchmark event, which will be held jointly with Equiplast, the leading trade fair for the plastics sector, and Eurosurfas, the most emblematic surface treatment event, forming the leading trade fair platform in Spain for these industrial sectors.